Skier Comments & Photos from the Slopes of Sugar Bowl Resort
What are the ski conditions like right now at Sugar Bowl Resort? Read commentaries and see photos from fellow skiers and riders sharing their on-mountain experiences. Check back daily for new user-generated firsthand reports from Sugar Bowl Resort to see ski conditions, new snow and general stoke from the slopes along with images. Firsthand reports are submitted via the OnTheSnow Mobile App.
Firm conditions. Make sure you have sharp edges.
4 days ago
Decent storm dumped 30+ inches. Kind of heavy stuff, but light enough on top to be fun. It will consolidate quickly with the warmer temps coming up, but this will provide a great base of coverage for rest of season.
3 weeks ago
Good day today and yesterday for groomers, which are fun, though pretty firm. Off piste crunchy. Weather is great. Agree with poster below, though I’d probably grade it a B.
4 weeks ago
B+ grade conditions but could use a Sierra Storm without rain. Off piste can be icy. This weekend should be ideal unless there’s rain. Each storm at this altitude has had some rain. Sharpen your edges!
4 weeks ago
Beautiful day today and not too crowded for a holiday weekend.
1 month ago
Weather forecasted colder temps and more snow, but it was still decent overall. Started off crusty in the morning, but gave way to nice powder as temps dropped. Currently there is about 2" of dry pow over firm chalk. Wind gusts are moving it around and exposing some icy patches, but some great surfa...
1 month ago
Looks beautiful, but nothing but ice. Needs snow. Serenity now!
1 month ago
Looking for some reports about conditions please! Coming in a week.
1 month ago
We had a blast at Sugar Bowl!
2 months ago
Very nice conditions throughout when staying on the trails. Off piste is hard pack and will rattle your bones. The crowds have left and lift lines are less than 1 minute. Enjoy