For a Wisconsin Hill...a 5 Star! Top Notch Instruction from Experts that will take you to the Mountains!
What sets them apart is ski instruction and steep hills, similar to actual mountains. Our family grew up on this hill and have lots of positive memories. The ski Instuctors for our kids were top notch skiiers..from Gen X (us) to now Z (kids). They were on their game for the kids. In addition, 100% focused on positive affirmation! Our next Gen now loves to ski, as much as us. In addition, they were prepping our family for vacations in the Mountains.
Mom went to the Mountains of New Mexico and found them to be equal match for Sunburst! No area ski hill matched that ability to prepare one for a true mountain.
Thank You Sunburst for seeing the big picture for our family. It wasn't about a hill or single day, we wanted skills for life and diversity.